Schedule for 120th Anniversary

Saturday, July 13th-

Church Picnic & Testimony Service at Hot Springs State Park (Kiwanis Shelter & Park Pavilion)

6:00 PM- Cook-Out & Picnic

7:00 PM- Testimony Service with Pastor Cole Howe (Assistant Pastor- 1996-1998)

*Food & Drink is provided.

Sunday, July 14th-

Anniversary Church Services- Location: First Baptist Church (310 S. 6th Street)

9:45 AM- Combined Sunday School with Pastor Glen Eichmeyer (Associate Pastor w/ Pastor Pulis)

11:00 AM- Morning Service with Pastor Seidel (Pastor 1994-2020)

12:10 PM- Church Family Photo (Auditorium)

12:20 PM- Potluck Fellowship

1:30 PM- Afternoon Service with Bro. Nathan Winters (Associate Pastor 2006-2018)

2:30 PM- Dessert Fellowship

The afternoon service is in place of our regular evening service.